I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

The Sunless Citadel

The Sunless Citadel

Here is a list of all the things I found useful when running the Sunless Citadel Adventure from Tales From the Yawning Portal. 


Minis Required

  • 10x Twig Blight

  • 6x Rats

  • 5x Skeletons

  • 1x Quasit

  • 1x Troll

  • 6x Kobolds

  • 8x Goblin

  • 1x Ice Mephit

  • 1x Steam Mephit

  • 1x Female Kobold

  • 1x Rat Swarm

  • 1x Giant Rat

  • 1x Gnome

  • 1x Dragon Wyrmling

  • 4x Hobgoblin

  • 1x Female Goblin Shaman

  • 1x Bugbear

  • 1x Fire Snake

  • 1x Shadow

  • 1x Robed Human Female

  • 1x Human Knight Male

  • 1x Human Druid Male

  • 1x Giant Frog


  • Masonary Debris

  • 1x Orb on Pedestal

  • 1x Dragon Sculpture

  • 5x Sarcophagus

  • 1x Large Keg

  • 1x Wooden Bench

  • 1x Metal Cage

  • 1x Throne

  • 1x Dry Fountain

  • Wooden Debris

  • Barrels and Crates

  • Chests

  • Luminous Mushrooms

  • 10x Table

  • 10x Pillar

  • 1x Chair

  • 5x Bookcases

  • Gulthias Tree

Item Cards

  • 6x Items

  • 11x Potions

  • 11x Spell Scrolls

DM Notes

This dungeon is great for new players as the learning curve is not particularly steep. That's not to say there isn't danger and I did have one knockout the last time I ran this. I blame this on the Bard being silly and the resulting karma from sending Meepo to his death! There's a dungeon and a dragon here which is always fun for a first campaign, also there's the lesson that not everything is solved with combat which is an important thing to learn for a newbie. 

The two levels of the dungeon have very different feels. The Fortress Level is a very classic, traditional dungeon crawl. The tone shifts when the party enters the Grove Level, there's an eerie, Frankenstein's Monster theme to it. There's creepy live experiments in one area and the level is lit by a bioluminescent fungus. Tailor your descriptions and music to the themes and you'll give your players a richer experience. 

This took me 2 1/2 long sessions (about 20 hours) to complete the adventure including the awkward first meeting of the players. They didn't explore all of the rooms but they did most of it but the bard did get stuck in the trap loop for about 5 tries so that slowed them down somewhat! 

There's a reason this adventure is loved and reprinted, it's a great introduction and rich in options.


The Forge of Fury

The Forge of Fury