I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

Make your own Cave Walls

Make your own Cave Walls

The greatest compliment I have been paid by a player is this: 'I've played Adventures League before but you're scenery really brings the game to life for me'. 

Now we don't always have the time and money to go full PAX Acquisitions Inc on the props but there are ways to go the extra mile quickly and without breaking the bank.  

The first large pieces of scenery I made were simple cave walls. All I needed was: 

Step 1: Roll out a handful of modelling clay

Step 2: Shape into a cave wall (use a mini for scale) 

Make sure that you can store the pieces once you are finished!

Step 3: Leave overnight to dry

Step 4: Paint! 

First a layer of Grey, texture it with Nuln Oil, dry brush with white and then a green stipple with a sponge.


D&D with a 3D Printer

D&D with a 3D Printer

Quest Givers

Quest Givers