I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

D&D Apps

D&D Apps

I want to preface this by saying I don't like players having their phones out at my table. I think that the temptation to 'just check a notification' will distract from the story, I know how bad I am with my phone when I'm sat on the sofa... 

That being said there are some useful apps that can help you play Dungeons and Dragons a little quicker! 


Critical Hit [FREE]

It's a simple dice rolling app for all the standard polyhedrals. I like it as if for some reason I've forgotten my dice I should at least have my phone on me. Also I don't like people using my dice or using dice that aren't my own so this is great! There is a reskin feature so you can change the colour of the dice and the app button. Also it adds the dice you've rolled together so when you're doing big damage you won't lose count. 


Fifth Edition Character Sheet [FREE/£2.99-AD FREE]


A fully interactive and customisable character sheet that can hold at least 8 characters. This app holds everything a character sheet can hold. You swipe between screens for proficiencies, spells, equipment and attack modifiers. The app contains all the additional races, classes and backgrounds that are Adventurer's League legal (sorry Grung). The app automatically levels up your character offering you the choices you have to make at appropriate points. It tracks your gear, money and spell slots etc. 

D&D Spellbook [£0.99]


This has a searchable by spell class function and a direct search function too. Unfortunately this app doesn't contain the new spells from Xanathar's Guide to Everything yet. It's a solid app thats easy to use and has a favourite spells section for quick reference. 

As it doesn't have the new spells or multiple favourite lists I wouldn't jump onto this just yet. 


Dragon+ [FREE]


Dragon+ is a free monthly magazine produced by Wizards of the Coast containing articles, news, interviews and additional content for D&D. It's a great read and a great way to keep up to date with whats going on in the official storyline. 


So those are some of the ones I use, if you have any good ones to share comment in the comments section bellow. 

May you roll well!

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