I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

Stats - Standard Array, Point Buy or Rolled?

Stats - Standard Array, Point Buy or Rolled?

There are three ways to make a character's stats, let's go through them and see what's right for your game. 

Standard Array: 


There's a reason that it's the standard; it provides even and level characters. If everyone uses them then everyone feels equal to each other but no one has a super stat and no one has a serious flaw.

Point Buy

point buy.png

27 points to spend on the above table.  This allows some flexibility when creating a character however, it can lead to characters creating characters that are specifically skilled but terrible at other things. This still provides the group with similarly stated characters. 15,15,15,8,8,8 is possible and a bland 13,13,13,12,12,12 is too.

Philosophically I don't like this system because it feels like everyone has the same amount of ability when they are born and for every strength you must have a weakness. To me the world isn't like that and the characters you are creating are meant to be heroes, but I may be reading too much into it!


Risk and reward awaits you here traveller!

Roll 4d6 and then lose the lowest roll. I.E: 


Do this six times and then assign them to the stats you want. As you can see that 6 SUCKS, however, the 17 is pretty sweet. This has the potential to make epic PCs in either direction and there will be variance between the characters at the table depending on how they rolled. This method can be hilarious or create resentment at the table. Depending on the race you choose it is possible to max a stat at first level which can lead to some problems for the DM initially and can give the player a false sense of invincibility which is just fun to play around with.

As rolling can be dangerous I do allow my players to roll their stats and then decide if they want to use the dice rolls or the standard array. This just ensures that there are no truly terrible characters at the table.

Choose wisely my friends...

How to Make Better Characters

How to Make Better Characters

Making Letters

Making Letters