I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

Unearthed Arcana 11/06/18 - Giant Soul

Unearthed Arcana 11/06/18 - Giant Soul

I'll admit that I missed this one coming out!

The latest playtest material for 5th Edition is a new Sorcerer's Origin: Giant Soul. This new feature gives you the option to have your magical power come from an ancient bloodline of small folk who were given power by giants during the mythic era. Off the top of my head I can think of a couple of backstory ideas on this that I could build a PC from either as part of a pureblood family or aristocracy that breed to maintain this power or this coming as a complete surprise and unlocking at an inopportune moment. I'm not sure which I'd choose between a secret society or an X-Men origin as they both sound fun to be honest!

This class option is constitution based and feeds into the flavour of the toughness of giants. It also has options for each of the six types of giant and they dictate the spells you learn at 1st and 3rd level, these spells are called Ordening Spells.

  1. Cloud - Trickster/Distraction

  2. Fire - Distance Damage

  3. Frost - All rounder

  4. Hill - Combat Buff

  5. Stone - Druidic Style

  6. Storm - Crowd Control



At 6th level the class gets a little more complicated as whenever you cast one of your Ordening Spells you gain another effect on top of the spell effect cast. I.E. Cloud Giants can teleport as a bonus action 10 + CON modifier feet away. 
These are optional so you can use the boon or not. I make a point of this as the Cloud and Fire Giant boons take up your bonus action. This is an extra thing to remember and consider when casting an Ordening Spell but it will happen a lot less often than you'd initially think.

Level 14 gets you a size increase (Medium to Large) when you cast a spell that requires at least one spell slot for one minute (10 rounds). You can also choose one of five effects once per short/long rest for the duration of the size increase. 

18th level gets you a +2 Bump to your constitution score and your maximum constitution score. This will boost your 6th level ability, your hit points and your 14th level options. You will also gain a second use of your 14th level ability between short/long rests. 

I like the flavour and it doesn't seem particularly overpowered. 

Test it out and let me know how it goes in the comment section and remember to give your feedback to Wizards of the Coast on their Unearthed Arcana Survey. 

May you roll well!

Unearthed Arcana 23/07/2018 - Eberron Races

Unearthed Arcana 23/07/2018 - Eberron Races

Jargon Buster

Jargon Buster