I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

Jargon Buster

Jargon Buster

Now that Fifth Edition has been going on for a while, we as a community have developed a shorthand in our groups and online. I've only just realised how often we are asked to clarify what we're saying while scanning a Fifth Edition facebook group. I'll split this up into a few sections for ease of finding things and explanation. 

Abbreviated Book Names 
CoS = Curse of Strahd
EE = Elemental Evil
DMG = Dungeon Master's Guide
HotDQ = Hoard of the Dragon Queen
LMoP = Lost Mine of Phandelver
MM = Monster Manual
MToF = Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
OotA = Out of the Abyss
PHB = Player's Handbook
PotA = Princes of the Apocalypse
RoT = Rise of Tiamat
SCAG = Sword Coast Adventures Guide
SKT = Storm King's Thunder
TftYP = Tales from the Yawning Portal
ToA = Tomb of Annihilation
ToD = Tyranny of Dragons
Volo's/VGtM= Volo's Guide to Monsters
XGtE = Xanathar's Guide To Everything
GGtR = Guidemasters’ Guide to Ravnica
WDH = Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
WDotMM = Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

These are so popular that they are casually used by the staff at Wizards of the Coast in interviews and podcasts. They probably had to make them so that anyone overhearing them wouldn't know what the upcoming releases are going to be!

Character Sheet Items
CHA = Charisma
CON = Constitution
DEX = Dexterity
INT = Intelligence
STR = Strength
WIS = Wisdom

We often abbreviate the base statistics names to these as they appear in the same way on the character sheet.

CE = Chaotic evil
CG = Chaotic good
CN = Chaotic neutral
LE = Lawful Evil
LG = Lawful Good
LN = Lawful Neutral
NE = Neutral Evil
NG = Neutral Good
NN = Neutral Neutral or True Neutral

This is a quick way to fill in the space at the top of your character sheet that causes more fights at a table than a bar full of raging barbarians!

General Terms
5E = Fifth edition
AC = Armor class
AL = Dungeons and Dragons Adventurer's League. 
AoE = Area of effect
BBEG = Big bad evil guy
DM = Dungeon Master. The person who runs the game.
DMPC = A Dungeon Master Player Character
DnD = Dungeons and Dragons
FLGS = Friendly local game store
GM = Game Master, same as Dungeon Master
GP = Gold pieces
Homebrew = rules and/or lore that differ from the official published material
IC = In Character, what your character knows
Metagaming = Acting on player knowledge in game that the character wouldn't/doesn't know
NPC = Non-player character
OA or Op-E = Opportunity attack
OGL = Open Game License. 
OOC = Out of Character, what you the player knows
PC = Player Character
RAI = Rules as Intended
RAW = Rules as Written
Railroading = A linear storyline that allows for little or no deviation for PCs.
TPK = Total Party Kill  
UA = Unearthed Arcana playtest material. 
WotC = Wizards of the Coast
XP = Experience Points 

I hope this has cleared some things up for you. If there's anything I've missed or something you want explaining then leave a comment in the section below. 

May you roll well! 

Unearthed Arcana 11/06/18 - Giant Soul

Unearthed Arcana 11/06/18 - Giant Soul

Building a Warhammer Kit

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