I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

I thought I'd write out a list the basic equipment I use when making stuff for my dungeons. I use all of these a lot and they're all really useful. 

The first thing I bought was the Citadel Starter Set it has a good range of paints, a paint brush, plastic glue and a set of clippers. This has everything you need to get started, I use the clippers to clean up the support struts of 3D models, remove models from sprues and loads of other stuff too. The paint set isn't comprehensive but good enough to start and you'll need to get some other brushes for different jobs. Citadel paints are great and they have an app to teach you to paint and which paints to use on which job. You will have to go elsewhere for finer brushes but their dry brushes and base brushes are excellent. 

A scalpel: cheap, simple and effective. I use it for fine detail cleaning of models, distressing and changing models. replace the blade every now and then for best results.

Fine Wet and Dry Paper: for sanding, distressing and cleaning. The paper is large and the models are small so the economy is great but sanding can take a while to finish.

Superglue: For when you're working with metal. 

Clay sculpting tools. I got mine cheap and are really useful if you are using air drying clay. I've used them to make cave walls, stalagmites and stalactites so far.  

Hot Glue Gun: for larger pieces of scenery or materials that can be damaged by solvents. 

So those are the basic tools I use when making things for my campaigns, all my Monday Makes will contain the specific items you'll need but these are the staples. 

Happy crafting!

Finding the Right Minis for your Budget

Finding the Right Minis for your Budget

