I am the Obsessive Compulsive Dungeon Master and welcome to my website! I'll be providing helpful ideas for dungeon masters and Players alike.

Finding Female Minis

Finding Female Minis

As a member of this community I have to acknowledge that there is a difficulty in finding female miniatures that are 'appropriately dressed'. I feel that the situation has gotten better recently with a shift from the overly sexualised miniatures to a more functional adventuring style. This isn't to say that you can't play a sexualised character, just that that shouldn't be the only option! My female players have said that they are either restricted by race and class in miniatures; they also fall into specific camps either gothic style/ fey style/ tight bondage outfits.

Women not being catered for within the community is a problem as if a person can't see themselves represented in the game then there is an unconcious idea that the game isn't for them. Wizards of the Coast have done a great job in the manuals in opening up the hobby for everyone with representation however the miniatures market has been a little slower to follow suit.

Here I would like to celebrate some of the miniature makers that are drawing more women into our hobby. 

Oathsworn Miniatures - Sensible Shoes 
I found this UK based company when I was looking for a Firblog Druid and ended up backing their Kickstarter campaign. They make high quality pewter miniatures that look ready to delve into a dungeon.  

Bad Squiddo Miniatures 
"The number one aim for Bad Squiddo Games is to create and supply the miniatures that would have made the hobby far far better for my 10 year old self. To welcome more young girls and women into wargaming and miniature painting, as well as providing diverse options to the entire gaming community. And yeah – cool toys!" 
This is another UK based company that aggregates female minis but also commissions and sells their own. The prices and postage seem very reasonable and the products look great!

With great customizability comes great cost. Probably the most expensive on the list but it has the most options and you can build the miniature you want pretty much how you want it. With prices ranging from $20 to $100 plus postage you get a high quality figure that you can be totally happy with. 

3D Printing
The DMs Workshop has a load of free 3D sculpts for use on your 3D printers. If you use Miguel's files you may wish to kick him a dollar or two on his Patreon as he's a one stop library for 5th Edition minis. 


The do better awards go to: 

Reaper Miniatures - Figure Finder 
Reaper has over a thousand models that they identify as female on their site. Reaper minis are really affordable and widely available but you'll have lots to choose from in either metal or plastic. However for every Neroli, Female Half Orc there's also an Ice Queen so be warned that unfortunately not all of their stuff is appropriate or even PG! 

Games Workshop
Cloth and Armour must be at a premium in the Age of Sigmar! Check out the Sorceress for just one example.

How I Got into Dungeons and Dragons

How I Got into Dungeons and Dragons

Kickstarters for May

Kickstarters for May